3DF Zephyr Dev Status (Lampone)
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The next version of 3DF Zephyr (Codename Lampone) is already in development.
Since we are a cool company using cutting-edge technology, the Raspberry on the left does not exist. It has been generated with AI.
The tentative release date is the end of summer 2023.
Here's a brief report of the planned features in development and their status.
Note: this is not the final feature list: new planned features will be unveiled as we get closer to release! |
Major features and updates
Improved mesh | The mesh algorithm has been improved. Thickness is now computed automatically to maintain thin structures better. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Camera groups/rig | Cameras group/rig relationship (translation/baseline and rotation) can now be specified during the project wizard. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved add photos wizard and workspace merge | The algorithms for adding photos and merging workspace have been improved. Both can now work in a completely automatic mode. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Reworked options dialog | The options dialog have been reworked and improved. You can now quickly search among the options. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Better multispectral support | Multispectral images are now better supported. The intra-bands adjustment works better, and several QoL improvements have been made. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Embedded orthophoto and project wizard generation | Orthophotos are now embedded and saved with the workspace. Additionally, you can now directly generate an orthophoto from the Z axis (map) from the new project wizard. | Ready for testing (90%)
Minor bug fixes and updates
Save partial reconstruction | Added an option to save partial reconstructions (unmerged clusters) on zep files at the end of the SfM. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Transform dialog improvements | Added an option to reset the gizmo rotation. Additionally, the camera doesn't reset on cancel, and the object visibility doesn't change when ok is pressed. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Export cameras in blender/json format | Export cameras in blender / json format that can also be read by several Nerf implementation | Ready for testing (90%) |
Gizmo thickness and screen size | Added options to change the gizmo thickness and its screen size. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved 3D constraints parser | Improved 3D constraints importing and added an option to specify a projected coordinate system. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Camera stations | You can now define camera stations (groups of images with the same origin and pure rotation) during the project wizard. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Las 1.4 support | Added support for las 1.4. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Leica Blk3d support | Added support for Leica Blk3d devices. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Undistorted image with outer bounding box | You can export an undistorted image with the full distortion bounding box. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Native Nira exporter | Improved Nira exporter with native SDK support | In Development (50%) |
Osgb and kmz tiles moved | Osgb and kmz tiles are now exported with the new algorithm for improved performances. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Edit multispectral orthophoto | Enable orthophoto editor for multispectral datasets | Ready for testing (90%) |
NavVis camera load | Support for NavVis cameras. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Utility to extract/generate bubble views from point clouds | Added an utility to extract or generate bubble views stored in point clouds. Possibility to export mask and parameters. | Ready for testing (90%) |