3DF Zephyr Dev Status (Clementine)

The next version of 3DF Zephyr (Codename Clementine) is already in development.
The tentative release date is set for the early Summer 2019, although some closed beta versions will be certainly released before.
Here's a brief report of the planned features in development and their status.
Note: this is not the final feature lists: new planned features will be unveiled as we get closer to release! |
Major features and updates
Detail enhancement for mesh | Better detail extraction during the mvs/mesh extraction | Completed (100%) |
Speeded up MVS stereo generation | The multiview stereo has been speeded up further | Completed (100%) |
Better texture UV packing | Better UV packing algorithm during mesh generation (space saving) | Completed (100%) |
Unified Mesh and dense point cloud computation | In order to optimize the computation, mesh and dense point cloud will be computed one shot by default. It will be still possible to generate a separate point cloud if needed. | Completed (100%) |
Export orthophoto as single tiff | The tiled orthophoto can now be exported as a unique BigTiff file | Completed (100%) |
3D stereo display support | Quad buffer support for stereo 3D display | Completed (100%) |
3D mouse support | 3Dconnexion mouse support | Completed (100%) |
Major library update | All our core libraries for (3D engine, Math, GUI) have been updated to the latest version with several bug fixes. | Completed (100%)
Minor bug fixes and updates
New alignement tools | The alignemnt tools dialog has been reorganized for better usage | Completed (100%) |
Improved mesh enhance filter | The mesh enhancement filter has been improved to extract more details | Completed (100%)
Support for custom geoid | You can now load custom Geoid for georeferencing | Completed (100%)
Raised internal resolution | The single image resolution can now be bigger | Completed (100%) |