3DF Zephyr Dev Status (Eggplant)

The next version of 3DF Zephyr (Codename Eggplant) is already in development.
The tentative release date is still not being set.
Here's a brief report of the planned features in development and their status.
Note: this is not the final feature lists: new planned features will be unveiled as we get closer to release! |
Major features and updates
Photoconsistency Improvements | The photoconsistency algorithm of 3DF Zephyr has been furtherly optimized to allow better management of high frequencies during the similarity check between pair of images. | Ready for testing (90%) |
MVS Improvements | The Multiview stereo depth map extraction have been improved. Finer details and thin structures are recovered better. In addition, the aggregation phase is also faster than before. | Ready for testing (90%) |
3DF Scarlet Improvements | 3DF Scarlet’s user experience will significantly change thanks to a “non-blocking” rendering that will ensure a better and more fluid scan visualization within the software. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Modular save | Zep project files have been reorganized in a modular way. Point clouds, meshes and textured mesh are now unloaded on disk and loaded only on demand. This lead to dramatic speed-ups of loading and saving time. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Marker detection | 3DF Zephyr already allows for automatic coded target detection; however, our latest implementation now improves the manual marker detection algorithm to find the cross pattern at their center more accurately. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Python Console | The new Python console enables a brand-new way to interact with the 3DF Zephyr workspace and its objects. It’s not meant to supersede the batching tool but allow more experienced users to automate and simplify specific workflows | Ready for testing (90%) |
Volume of Interest | The Volume of Interest (VoI) is a new experimental feature designed to aid users during the visualization and editing of huge datasets. The user specifies a three-dimensional clipping region by visually editing it (works very similar to the bounding box editing tool). | Ready for testing (90%) |
Sphere detection | Sphere detection tool targeted to the forensics industry. | Ready for testing (90%) |
New Control Point interface | New control points interface. You can now add multiple control points without closing the dialog. The toolbar has been reorganized in a more user friendly way and the image loading and caching is much faster and non blocking. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Minor bug fixes and updates
General multithreaded improvements | Multithread algorithms that use a considerable amount of ram have been sped up, thanks to better memory management. This can lead to substantial speed-ups in some parts, especially on CPUs with a lot of cores. | Ready for testing (90%) |
SfM general accuracy improvements | Keypoints extraction and matching have been improved for increased accuracy during the structure from motion phase. | Ready for testing (90%) |
SfM speed improvements on large datasets | The sequential pipeline has been sped up with big datasets. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Map widget | A new map widget during the project wizard, with better navigability. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Faster mesh decimation | The decimation algorithm has been speeded up. This intrinsically speed up also the photoconsistency initialization. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Advanced settings | The advanced settings dialogs for all the four reconstruction phases have been reorganized for better clarity. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Custom skybox | You can setup a custom skybox in the Zephyr viewport. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Metadata.xml importing | Zephyr now imports metadata.xml files automatically specifying mesh and textured mesh reference system. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved marker detection in Scarlet | Markers are detected in a more robust way in Scarlet. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved multiicp in scarlet | The multiicp in scarlet has been improved by adding a prealignement step. | Ready for testing (90%)
Scarlet scan prefiltering. | Users will be able to automatically perform some basic preprocessing on a project’s scans such as: range filtering, sampling distance filtering , sampling limit filtering. | Ready for testing (90%) |
New Scarlet gizmo | The new Scarlet gizmo will allow to add a pivot point and translate object on a fixed plane. | Ready for testing (90%) |
3mf export | You can export in the 3mf format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved import reference system dialog | The dialog for importing a custom reference system has been improved and now provides more information on importing errors. | Ready for testing (90%) |
RCP import / export | You can now import and export in the Autodesk RCP format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Faster PNG saving | PNG texture saving is now faster | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved control points auto-matching | The automatching functionalities for control points has been improved both in terms of speed and accuracy. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Better pure rotation photo handling | Photo groups with pure rotation, are now handled better during the SfM phase | Ready for testing (90%) |
Can now import constraints from ptgui project | You can now import custom panorama view and constraints directly from ptgui project files | Ready for testing (90%) |
Camera rig support | You can now import photos from camera rigs that share an (approximate) center | Ready for testing (90%) |
Multiband functions bug | Fixed a bug on multiband functions definition, occurring with layer names composed only by numbers. | Ready for testing (90%) |
DXF export format | You can now export meshes in the .dxf format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
NCN export format | You can now export dense point clouds and GCPs in the .ncn format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
DGN export format | You can now export drawing elements in the .dgn format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
LAZ export format | You can now export dense point clouds in the .laz format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
AVI export format | You can now export video animations in the .avi format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Automatic DJI multispectral data | Zephyr now automatically detects different bands and creates multiple layers when importing multispectral images taken by DJI drones. | Ready for testing (90%) |
GCPs placement over lidar data bug | Fixed a bug occurring when placing control points on laser scans. GCPs were slightly shifted relative to the position assigned by the mouse cursor. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Drawing elements and orthophotos export to Autocad | You can now automatically assign the same position for drawing elements and orthophotos when exporting and loading them in Autocad. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Drawing elements merging | You can now merge different drawing elements in a single polyline or spline element. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Mesh and dense point cloud filters | Filters affecting meshes or dense point clouds can be now renamed according to the used filter. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Hole filling filter | You now have the option to select the single mesh holes in the 3D workspace and fill them. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Horizontal distance | The "quick measurements" tool now allows to calculate both the horizontal and the slope distance. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Better drag and drop | You can now drag and drop image folders in the Zephyr viewport | Ready for testing (90%) |
Converted GPS coordinates from exif | GPS Coordinates loaded from exif are now automatically converted into the selected reference system in the control point alignement dialog. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Planar texture reprojection | New tool to create a planar polygon uv-mapped object and reproject texture from another textured mesh. It is also possible to compute normal map. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Control point editing window | Control points are now colored differently to help users distinguish them. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Removed 3 cameras limit | You can now reconstruct with only 2 photos. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Global ETA | You can now see the estimated time for the whole task of each 3D reconstruction step (Samantha, Stasia, etc.) with improved progress bars. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved ground filter | Improved ground filter with more possible output and the possibility to add manual ground / non-ground constraints | Ready for testing (90%) |
Camera selection on navigation bar | Cameras selected by hand are now shown in the navigation bar | Ready for testing (90%) |
Guided breakline | New tool for interactive guided breakline extraction | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved polyline drawing | Polyline drawing has been improved and it's now easier to edit, merge or delete internal points from existing polylines | Ready for testing (90%) |
Sphere detection in Scarlet | Scarlet can now detect sphere target of defined size | Ready for testing (90%) |
Elevation profile | You can now generate the elevation profile from any point, without the need of generating a dsm | Ready for testing (90%) |
Bubble view import Faro fls | Scarlet and Zephyr will support bubble view from Faro native laser scan file fls | In Development (50%) |
Alembic format support | Support for the Alembic format | In Development (50%) |