3DF Zephyr Dev Status (Eggplant)

The next version of 3DF Zephyr (Codename Eggplant) is already in development.
The tentative release date is still not being set.
Here's a brief report of the planned features in development and their status.
Note: this is not the final feature lists: new planned features will be unveiled as we get closer to release! |
Major features and updates
Photoconsistency Improvements | The photoconsistency algorithm of 3DF Zephyr has been furtherly optimized to allow better management of high frequencies during the similarity check between pair of images. | Advanced Development (75%) |
MVS Improvements | The Multiview stereo depth map extraction have been improved. Finer details and thin structures are recovered better. In addition, the aggregation phase is also faster than before. | Advanced Development (75%) |
3DF Scarlet Improvements | 3DF Scarlet’s user experience will significantly change thanks to a “non-blocking” rendering that will ensure a better and more fluid scan visualization within the software. In addition, users will be able to automatically perform some basic preprocessing on a project’s scans such as: range filtering, sampling distance filtering , sampling limit filtering. | Advanced Development (75%) |
Modular save | Zep project files have been reorganized in a modular way. Point clouds, meshes and textured mesh are now unloaded on disk and loaded only on demand. This lead to dramatic speed-ups of loading and saving time. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Marker detection | 3DF Zephyr already allows for automatic coded target detection; however, our latest implementation now improves the manual marker detection algorithm to find the cross pattern at their center more accurately. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Python Console | The new Python console enables a brand-new way to interact with the 3DF Zephyr workspace and its objects. It’s not meant to supersede the batching tool but allow more experienced users to automate and simplify specific workflows | Advanced Development (75%) |
Volume of Interest | The Volume of Interest (VoI) is a new experimental feature designed to aid users during the visualization and editing of huge datasets. The user specifies a three-dimensional clipping region by visually editing it (works very similar to the bounding box editing tool). | Ready for testing (90%) |
Sphere detection | Sphere detection tool targeted to the forensics industry. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Minor bug fixes and updates
Faster mesh decimation | The decimation algorithm has been speeded up. This intrinsically speed up also the photoconsistency initialization. | In Development (50%) |
Custom skybox | You can setup a custom skybox in the Zephyr viewport. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved marker detection in Scarlet | Markers are detected in a more robust way in Scarlet. | Ready for testing (90%) |
Improved multiicp in scarlet | The multiicp in scarlet has been improved by adding a prealignement step. | Ready for testing (90%)
Scarlet scan prefiltering. | You can now set filters on import in Scarlet. | Ready for testing (90%) |
3mf export | You can export in the 3mf format. | Ready for testing (90%) |
RCP import / export | You can now import and export in the Autodesk RCP format. | Planned (0%) |
Other stuff
Improved FlowEngine interface | More functions have been exposed in FlowEngine | Advanced Development (75%)